| Erasmus+

Bun domisdé!

If Slovakians travel, they do it intensely!

In a workshop held by Mrs Rottonara, the Ladins expert of the Pedagogical department, Vicky, Jan, Martin, Milos and friends learnt about the peculiarities of Ladinia, the region including all Ladin speaking areas of our province. On Wednesday afternoon, 29 March, they all met at our school and got in touch with pre-romanic, Celtic and Germanic words which sometimes sound weird to Non-Ladin ears. Thanks to the competence of the speaker who constantly involved and engaged our Slovakian friends, the mysterious world of the Dolomites and its sagas was disclosed to them. 

What the outcome was? The following day our Erasmus Plus guests headed for Santa Cristina, one of the hotspots of Ladinia.